Empower Your Mind, Embrace Your Confidence

Empower yourself with the gift of self-confidence and embrace the extraordinary life that awaits you. Begin your journey to greatness with Stephen Dela Cruz's Self-Confidence Hypnosis Audio Guide.


What's Included:

Empowering Self-Confidence Hypnosis

Audio Guide

Immerse yourself in a transformative audio experience as Stephen Dela Cruz guides you through a hypnotic journey. Tap into your subconscious mind, rewire negative thought patterns, and ignite a profound sense of self-confidence. 

BONUS VIDEO : What Is Hypnosis

Discover the power of hypnosis. Stephen will take this time to explain the power of your subliminal mind and uncover the science behind subconscious programing. 

Bonus Tips from Stephen Dela Cruz

Benefit from Stephen's years of expertise as he shares personalized tips and techniques to boost your confidence in various aspects of life. Empower yourself with proven strategies for lasting self-assurance.


Meet Your Hypnotherapist

Stephen Dela Cruz, C.Ht is an international board certified clinical hypnotherapist, life coach & business strategist. He has hundreds of articles published in various international web and printed media, many international best selling books, been featured on all major television and news networks, has a weekly podcast show and active on TikTok. 

Prior to Covid 19, Stephen had multiple successful businesses, hundreds of employees and was a sought after business coach. 

He first studied hypnosis for the love of sales and marketing but later saw the life changing power in people's subconscious mind. 

Today, Stephen still does business coaching but it is a therapeutic approach to coaching. He believes that "what you believe, is how you behave... and how you behave is who you become." This philosophy focuses on the fact that if we want our becoming (future life) to be grand... it all starts in the belief system of the person. 

He also believes that the quality of a persons life is all based on their ability to master the subconscious mind. Their own personal subconscious and others subconscious. 

He created this free gift to help YOU tap into your subliminal mind and gain more confidence. 

You will love this FREE gift and want to continue working with Stephen as a hypnotherapist, life coach or business strategist.


Stephen's clients are making big waves using his strategies and methods. I highly recommend Stephen for anyone looking for a coach & mentor.

- Frank Shankwitz

Founder, Make-A-Wish Foundation

The information Stephen coaches on will propel anyone to success! I am blown away by his methods! I definitely  recommend working with Stephen.

- Kevin Harrington

Original Shark, Shark Tank, Founder, As Seen On TV Informations

Stephen has the keys to success that every person needs to have access to! He plays big and helps others play big. I highly recommend Stephen for success coaching!

Sharon Lechter

Co-Author, Rich Dad, Poor Dad; Author, Think & Grow Rich for Woman 

Stephen has a special gift to unlock things in your subconscious mind. I am in awe what he can accomplish for people! Highly recommended!

- Kevin Eastman

Assistant NBA Coach - Los Angeles Clippers
Assistant NBA Coach - Boston Celtics